Volvo Penta MDI Engine Support

Volvo Penta MDI engine support is built into the Yacht Devices YDEG-04 Engine gateway without the need for any additional adaptor cables.

Customers with a Volvo Penta engine which includes the MDI (Mechanical Diesel Interface) box can connect the Yacht Devices YDEG-04 gateway to the rear of their tachometer and connect to the 6 pin Deutsch connector.

When the Yacht Devices YDEG-04 Engine gateway is connected to an MDI based engine you can expect the following data to be visible on your chartplotter:

  • Engine Speed (RPM)
  • Coolant Temperature (Raw Water temperature)
  • Key Switch Voltage
  • Engine Hours
Volvo Penta MDI Box
Volvo Penta MDI Box
Volvo Penta Tachometer
Volvo Penta Tachometer
Volvo Penta Tachometer Rear view
Volvo Penta Tachometer – Rear View

Failed tachometer?

If you have a tachometer like the one shown above and it no longer works properly or at all, you can use the Yacht Devices YDEG-04 Engine gateway to display the missing information on your chart plotter. As long as your MDI box is still working, the YDEG-04 Engine gateway is a great way to keep abreast of your engine data without having to replace or repair the tachometer.