Volvo Penta EVC Engine “sync” check

If you have twin Volvo Penta EVC engines there is a quick way to check if you have a “sync” cable already installed and therefore only need a single YDEG-04 Engine Gateway for your boat. The basic test is to switch the cables of the EVC tachometers. If the port tachometer shows data of the … Read more

Volvo Penta MDI Engine Support

Volvo Penta MDI engine support is built into the Yacht Devices YDEG-04 Engine gateway without the need for any additional adaptor cables. Customers with a Volvo Penta engine which includes the MDI (Mechanical Diesel Interface) box can connect the Yacht Devices YDEG-04 gateway to the rear of their tachometer and connect to the 6 pin … Read more

Caterpillar Engine Data Display

If your Caterpillar engine panel looks like this you should have support for displaying this data into your MFD. Utilising the Yacht Devices Caterpillar Display 12 pin adaptor will allow you to connect into the engine harness to the display panel. It is a plug and play operation and because the Yacht Devices YDEG-04 only … Read more

Operation of the J1939 Engine Gateway

This post outlines the operation of the J1939 Engine Gateway YDEG-04 from Yacht Devices. Topics include support for different engine makes and models as well as configuration and troubleshooting. Do I need two J1939 Engine Gateways for twin engines? This will depend on if your engines are joined using a sync cable to a single … Read more